I think we can all agree that bathrooms are places of functionality and practicality. We enter a bathroom with a very specific purpose to carry out, be it brushing our teeth, trimming our beards or washing away the daily stress, and whilst these rooms are designed to look far more sterile than what most actually are, this in no way means we unable to inject some creative and stylish personality to help us along our way.

The Hands

Your sink’s aesthetic is arguably just as important as the need for it. The care we take into sourcing an effective skin regime should extend all the way to our finger tips and for this we believe there’s only one thing for it – the Hand and Body Wash by Roullier White. Their simple, elegant design is only matched by their ingredients which are unparalleled in quality. The usual chemicals and perfumes are replaced with naturally derived essential oils exuberayting a scent only rivalled by that of any artisan perfumer. These naturally derived ingredients allows for good quality hand care regardless of how many uses you get out of the bottle leaving the skin cleansed, soft and ready to handle whatever the day throws at them. Now rather than talk about what they have on the inside, let’s discuss what they leave on the outside. As well as offering zero artificial fragrances, the list also includes no petro-chemical ingredients, no SLES, SLS, parabens or synthetic preservatives. The unisex design diffuses any unnecessary interior disagreements and the 500ml sizing means that they will be a lengthly visitor upon any bath side or sink.

The Aftermath

Over time the daily grime can begin to take its toll on our beloved basins. A constant barrage of abuse from pollution, makeup, hair, exfoliators and toothpaste starts to turn the shiny white surface a somewhat faded multi-coloured, multi-textured surface which has certainly seen better days. As limescale builds around the taps we feel with much regret ‘how have we let it come to this?’ We believe that a deep sink cleanse needn’t be added to the chores that never get ticked off the list. By simply keeping aside the Bath and Basin Cleaner by Roullier White, these unsightly stains will disappear along with the entirety of bacteria which commonly thrive in damp bathroom conditions. As you would expect from any product which has been lovingly hand blended in the tranquil setting of the English countryside, this Bath and Basin Cleaner will keep your sink looking (and smelling) as fresh as the sage and lavender which has carefully gone into the formula.

For The Eco Warriors 

All Roullier White products are:
– No animal testing
– No parabens, petrochemical or phosphates
– No Sodium Lauryl Sulphate
– No synthetic colours or fragrances
– No synthetic additives
– No bulking agents
– No chemicals
